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New Zealand Police Charged In Speed Camera Fatality
New Zealand Police charged in deadly crash involving a speed camera. More shots fired a photo radar van in Cyprus while cameras were disabled in France, Germany last week.

Cyprus photo radar van shot
New Zealand's workplace health and safety regulator Worksafe has levied charges against New Zealand Police following an investigation into an incident last year in which a speed camera operation went tragically wrong. On August 30, 2021, a speed camera van was parked behind a bridge on Upper Harbour Highway in Greenhithe when it was struck by a gray Subaru Forester. The 58-year-old Subaru driver died while the 72-year-old camera van driver suffered critical injuries.

A second speed camera van has come under fire on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. On Monday, October 24, a motorcycle pulled up to the speed trap on the A3 in Larnaca and fired two shotgun blasts at the rear of the van with what appears to be birdshot. The attack followed a similar incident that took place the previous week in the capital city of Nicosia.

In Sonsbeck, Germany, vigilantes on Wednesday blinded the speed camera on the Hochstrasse by smearing its lens with red paint. White was the color of choice used against the camera around the same area on Saturday, October 22. That same day, vigilantes in Salach disabled the speed camera trailer on the Wilhelmstrasse by convering the entire device with spraypaint, according to local police.

Vigilantes in Auzits, France, blinded the speed camera on the RD840 with green spraypaint on Saturday.

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