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Photo Radar Destroyed In New York, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia
Attacks against speed cameras were widespread last week, with devices disabled from New York to the Russian Far East.

New York City camera shot
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
In New York City, New York, an unknown vigilante used a handgun to blast the speed camera at the intersection of 86th Street and 158th Avenue in Queens. The New York Police Department released video of the January 9 incident that showed a man riding a scooter on a snow-covered street, stopping, pulling out a firearm and sending ten rounds toward the automated ticketing machine within a few seconds.

In Primorsky Krai, Russia, officials blamed mother nature for downing the speed camera on Russkiy Island, on the Ulitsa Akademika Kas'yanova near Primorskiy Oceanarium. High winds were recorded in the Vladivostok area on Tuesday when the automated ticketing machine was found lying on the ground. In Shymkent, Kazakhstan, vigilantes have set fire to and smashed two hundred Sergekov brand pole-mounted cameras, which became active in November. The devices are used for both general surveillance and for issuing automated citations.

In Vinezac, France, on Wednesday, a vigilante used a sling and paintballs to cover the lens of the speed camera on the RD104. After the incident, police accused a 50-year-old man of being involved in the attack. In Pleyber-Christ, black paint was dumped over the lens of the speed camera on the RD785 on Sunday, January 9. In Leipzig, Germany, vigilantes torched the speed camera located on the Jacobstrasse on Saturday, January 8. Leipzig police have no idea who might be responsible and estimate the damage in the 100,000 euro (US $115,000) range.

Vigilantes in Guidonia, Italy, on Tuesday stopped the issuance of speed camera tickets on the Via delle Gerbere by knocking over the warning signs that are required for a fine to be valid, continuing a series of attacks that began in November. In Pontetto, black paint was applied to the lens of the speed camera on the Viale Carlo Del Prete on Monday, January 10.

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