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Speed Cameras Attacked In France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia
A number of speed cameras were disabled during the Christmas holiday in Europe and the Middle East.

German speed camera shot
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in Peron, France, torched the speed camera on the RD884 in Peron on Christmas Day. On Tuesday, the speed camera in Capvern was set on fire. In Ploumagoar, the speed camera on the Rue Yves Maze was knocked out of commission just four days after its installation. In Metzervisse, vigilantes set fire to a pair of speed cameras on the RD14 on Sunday, December 19.

In Canolo di Correggio, Italy, the orange "Velo OK" brand speed camera on the Via Cesis was smashed to pieces after being rammed just before Christmas Eve. Vigilantes in Buraydah, Saudi Arabia, on Friday shot and destroyed a "Saher" speed camera. After a video was posted documenting the attack, police responded by arresting three individuals. In Bielefeld, Germany, vigilantes smashed the lens of the speed camera on the Eckendorfer Strasse on December 19.

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