France, Germany, Spain, UK: Speed Cameras AttackedSeveral speed cameras were knocked out of service across Europe last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
On Thursday, a 70-year-old man fed up with the use of speed cameras in Furth, Germany, stood thirty feet in front of the automated ticketing machine on Hinteren Strasse in Burgfarrnbach to warn fellow drivers of the device's presence. This infuriated police officers who called him "completely unapologetic" in a statement about the incident. The man was injured as police took him into custody.
In Dinton, England, vigilantes on Friday torched the speed camera on the A418. Police have no idea who might be responsible. Vigilantes in Algeciras, Spain, smashed the lens of the speed camera on the N357 on September 6. The device had just been repaired five days earlier from a previous attack. In Sirolo, Italy, the speed camera on the SP1 was torched on August 23.
On Thursday, vigilantes in Coudekerque-Branche once again have disabled the speed camera on the A16 shortly after officials had repaired damage done in the last attack. In Montagnat, the speed camera on the RD1075 was set on fire, in the third such attack in the area over the past few weeks. Yellow spraypaint was used to thwart a trio of speed cameras along the RN57 in Aubonne, Etalans and Pontarlier. On September 6, the speed camera on the RD420 in Aydoilles was blinded with red spraypaint.
On the Caribbean island of Martinique vigilantes on Tuesday torched the pole-mounted speed camera on the RN1.