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Belgian, French And Italian Speed Cameras Attacked
Placing speed cameras on poles failed to save them from destruction in France, but Italy says poles will protect their cameras.

French speed camera chopped down
It took just 48 hours for the brand new speed camera to be installed, and then destroyed, in Perpignan, France. Vigilantes on Friday set fire to the photo radar device in question, which had only been issuing automated tickets on the RD900 since Tuesday. Also on Friday, the pole-mounted "turret" speed camera on the RD710 in Saint-Pierre-de-Chignac was sliced at its base and knocked over.

Officials in Bari, Italy, reacted last week to a string of attacks on the five automated ticketing machines that had recently been installed in the neighborhoods of Palombaio and Mariotto. They have made a deal with the private camera contractor Velo OK to mount new speed cameras on twelve-foot tall poles in the hopes of protecting them. The French experience has shown that opponents of photo radar merely cut down these poles and sometimes setting them on fire.

In Mariembourg, Belgium, the speed camera on the RN5 was torched by vigilantes on Saturday.

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