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Canada, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Shot, Burned
Automated ticketing machines around the world were disabled in a number of ways over the past few weeks.

Flipped Italian speed camera
French vigilantes on Thursday, set fire to four speed cameras that had been issuing automated tickets in Rousset, Tourves, La Celle and Forcalqueriet. Around the same time, a speed camera on the RN66 in Bussang was blinded with orange spraypaint. The device has not been able to operate for more than a week without being attacked since it was installed two years ago. A heavy mobile photo radar device that had been issuing automated tickets on the RD1001 in Fransures was knocked over and tumbled down an embankment on Tuesday. Authorities blamed a gust of wind.

In Montebello Vicentino, Italy, vigilantes on Wednesday ripped the speed camera on the Via Contrada Frigon out of the ground and hauled it away. A note was attached to a pole at the location saying "the next time" the device is reinstalled, it will be destroyed again.

Vigilantes in Sherwood Park shot and destroyed a pair of combination red light and speed cameras last month. The device located at Sherwood Drive and Granada Boulevard was blasted on October 11 and the device at Wye Road and Brentwood Boulevard was shot on October 24.

In West Australia, the 41-year-old driver of a Holden Commodore was charged Wednesday with verbally abusing the driver of a speed camera van that was issuing automated tickets on Grey Street in Bassendean.

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