Speed Cameras And Related Art Disappear In France, GermanySpeed camera art exhibit disappears in France. Vigilantes grab a German photo radar unit.
A French artist set up an impromptu art exhibit at a speed camera site on the RD13 near Velle-le-Chatel in February. The roadside show began with a large cutout of a rodent labeled "Rat d'Art." By April, the exhibit had expanded to include five separate displays. One showed a mooning Bart Simpson cartoon with a message about how motorists always get the worst of government actions. Another showed a dancing French president with a face mask around his neck. One showed a speed camera as a giant middle finger. By last week, the displays disappeared, replaced by a cartoon of a rat in a cage and a vulture with Bart Simpson in its beak.
On Saturday, vigilantes used a dozen tires and a pile of straw to burn the speed camera on the RD924 in Tinchebray. Around the same time, the speed camera on the RD763 in Gorges was also torched. On April 13, paper and gasoline fueled the fire that scorched the speed camera on the RD338 in Bagnols.
In Leutkirch im Allgau, Germany, vigilantes on Good Friday grabbed the speed camera that had been issuing tickets on Kemptener Strasse. According to local police, a tractor was used to rip the heavy device out of the ground. It was then loaded into a vehicle and taken away.