France, South Africa: Speed Cameras Rubbed OutMultiple speed cameras in France and South Africa were removed from service last week.
Vigilantes in Mpimalanga, South Africa blew up a speed camera on the R40 on July 26.
On Wednesday, the speed camera on the RD972 in Cametours was blinded with yellow spraypaint. On the same day, the speed camera on the CD533 in Desaignes was painted black, the third time the device had been blinded in the past two weeks. On the previous attack, the message, "Jesus saves, but not speed cameras" was written on the side of the radar housing. In Blenod-les-Pont-a-Mousson, pink spraypaint was used on the D657 speed camera. On July 29, a man called Pascal of Savoy released a video of himself spraypainting a speed camera in Ugine with pink paint. In Meze, the speed camera on the RD51 was blasted with a shotgun.
Spain's Direccion General de Trafico (DGT) in January announced it would deploy drones during enforcement operations, but the flying platforms would not be issuing tickets from the sky. That changed Thursday as DGT began using three speed camera-equipped drones around Salamanca. Another twenty drones are on order for future use. According to a DGT announcement, the drones are able to estimate speeds from the sky and allow a police officer on the ground to pull over motorists, or it can take photos so that a ticket can be sent in the mail.