France, Italy: Yellow Vest Movement Scales Back ProtestsAttacks on speed cameras diminish as Yellow Vest protests take a break in France. A pair of speed cameras were taken out in Italy.

For the twenty-first weekend in a row, Yellow Vest protesters showed up for demonstrations across France -- but in the smallest numbers yet. According to the government's count, only 22,000 turned out nationwide to call for the resignation of President Emanuel Macron for his anti-motorist policies including the lowering of speed limits and a gasoline tax hike. Automated ticketing machines, likewise, have taken a breather after waves of relentless attacks since July. In Dury vigilantes on March 31 smashed the lens of the D1001 speed camera and then covered the lens with white paint.
On Tuesday, vigilantes kicked over the speed camera on Via Romea Sud in Classe. In Camaiore, Italy, vigilantes disabled the speed camera on the Via Trieste with white spraypaint.