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France, Italy: Cats, Fire Take Down Speed Cameras
Dozens of speed cameras in France and Italy were disabled last week by a cat, signs and fire.

Strasbourg speed camera
A cat brought about the demise of a speed camera in Ardeche, France on Wednesday. According to France Bleu, a car was making its way through Tournon-sur-Rhone early in the morning when a cat darted across the street. The driver took evasive action and wound up slamming in into the automated ticketing machine, which failed to prevent the accident. In Ain, members of the French Federation of Angry Motorcyclists (FFMC) disabled sixteen speed cameras by attaching a white circular sign over the lenses of the devices, Le Progres reported. In Strasbourg, vigilantes on Wednesday set fire to the speed camera on the A35, according to France 3.

In San Fermo, Italy, vigilantes beheaded the speed camera on Friday and left the remains of the device in the middle of the road. La Provincia di Como reports that the attack on the Via Ravona camera is the third since the cameras were first installed in the town.

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