France, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, UK: Speed Cameras TrashedSpraypaint, fire and accidents destroyed or disabled speed cameras around the world last week.

Vigilantes in Cheshire, England set fire to a speed camera last week Sunday. According to the Stoke Sentinel newspaper, the automated ticketing machine had been operating on Knutsford Road in Church Lawton.
In Luxembourg, a speed camera was destroyed when it failed to prevent an accident on the N28, RTL TV reported. The automated ticketing machine was knocked over by a car whose driver suffered only minor injuries.
In Hail, Saudi Arabia, vigilantes on Thursday destroyed the speed camera on King Abdullah Road, Gulf Eyes reported.
In Estivareilles, France, vigilantes made off with the speed camera on the RD2144 on Thursday, according to La Montagne. In Festieux, the speed camera on the RD1044 was disabled with orange spraypaint on Saturday, L'Union reported.