Iowa, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Ignite, ImplodePink and yellow spraypaint, fire and sledgehammers took out speed cameras in Europe and Iowa last week.

In Pas-de-Calais, France, vigilantes crushed a mobile speed camera on Thursday. According to La Voix du Nord, the automated ticketing machine that was operating on the RD939 before it was turned into a twisted metal wreck. In Marsannay-le-Bois, vigilantes took out the speed camera on the RD974 with yellow spraypaint last week Monday, Le Bien Public reported. In Bellicourt, pink was the color of choice to silence the speed camera on the D1044 on Friday, according to L'Aisne Nouvelle.
In Gohlenkamp, Germany vigilantes set fire to a Traffipax brand speed camera on the K16 last week Monday. According to Polizeiinspektion Emsland, the heat of the blaze shattered the device's camera lenses.
Smoke was reported pouring out of the hood of the speed camera van operated by the UK company Redspeed in Ottumwa, Iowa last week Sunday. According to KTVO-TV, officials denied the automated ticketing machine had caught fire.