Italy, France, South Africa: Speed Cameras DisabledVigilantes around the world took out speed cameras for the holidays.

In Johannesburg, South Africa, festive vigilantes decided to decorate a speed camera on Christmas. The automated ticketing machine was covered in a black plastic bag with tinsel and a bright "Merry Christmas" sign.
In Velleron, France officials re-installed the speed camera on the RD31 last week Tuesday. According to La Provence, it had been covered in orange spraypaint a day after it had been repaired from a previous attack. In Vic-sous-Thil, brown spraypaint was used to disable the speed camera on the RD980 on Wednesday, Le Bien Public reported. According to Sud Ouest, vigilantes also spraypainted a pair of cameras on the RD810 in Tyrosse and Labenne on Wednesday.
In Spoleto, Italy, vigilantes covered the speed camera on the Via Flaminia with red spraypaint last week Monday, Tutt Oggi reported.