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Australia, France, Italy, Sweden, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled, Disappear
Throughout the world last week, vigilantes grabbed, smashed, burned and spraypainted automated ticketing machines.

Swedish speed camera knocked over
In Blacksta, Sweden, vigilantes ripped a speed camera out of the ground and dumped it about a mile away from its original location on Wednesday. According to Upsala Nya Tidning, tire tracks at the scene on road 272 suggest a truck had been used to pull the automated ticketing machine down. Officials have no idea who might be responsible.

Another camera was ripped out of the ground last Tuesday in Este, Italy and taken away. The bright orange automated ticketing machine had just recently been installed on the Via Canevedo, Il Gazzettino reported.

In Boulogne, France, vigilantes on Wednesday disabled the speed camera on the A16-Port by covering its lenses with green spraypaint, Nord Eclair reported. On Saturday, vigilantes used tires to burn the speed camera on the RN12 in Bedee, according to 20 Minutes. In Niederhergheim, L'Alsace reported that the speed camera on the A35 was disabled by black spraypaint last week. In Chaux, vigilantes covered a speed camera's lenses with orange spraypaint last week Sunday.

In Dorset, England, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera on the A35 in Chideock Hill on Saturday, according to the Bridport News.

In Madora Bay, Australia on Thursday, a 29-year-old man rammed the mobile speed camera on Mandurah Road with his Toyota ute. The Perth Sunday Times reports that the suspect will be brought to Mandurah Magistrates Court on February 23.

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