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France, Germany, UK: Speed Cameras Burned, Painted
Vigilantes take out multiple cameras throughout Europe with fire and spraypaint.

German traffic camera burns
Vigilantes in East Sussex, England destroyed a speed camera last week Sunday. According to the Sussex Express, a burning tire was used to destroy the county's most profitable automated ticketing machine, which was located on the A22 Eastbourne Road at Halland.

In Marburg, Germany, vigilantes used a digger to pull down three speed cameras on Wednesday, Frankfurter Rundschau reported. In Huckeswagen, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera on the B237 last week Saturday, according to the Rheinische Post

In Polminhac and Thiezac, France, vigilantes on Tuesday covered a pair of speed cameras on the RN122 with white spraypaint, La Montagne reported.

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