France, Italy: Speed Cameras Toppled, SpraypaintedVigilantes in France and Italy disabled a handful of speed cameras last week.

Vigilantes in Martellago, Italy, knocked over a speed camera last week. According to Venezia Today, the orange camera housing on the Via Frassinelli was ripped from its mounting points and tossed on the ground. The controversial device had previously been spraypainted several times since it was installed.
In Rosieres-pres-Troyes, France, vigilantes disabled a speed camera with pink and blue spraypaint on March 1. Canal 32 reports that police have no idea who tagged the automated ticketing machine on the D610. Green was the color of choice in Mazures, according to l'Ardennais, as vigilantes spraypainted the camera on the D988 last week. A month previously, the same camera had been painted red.