Missouri, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Swiped, Foamed, ToppledTraffic cameras throughout the world are disabled and destroyed.

In Columbia, Missouri, the red light camera at the corner of Forum Boulevard and Stadium Boulevard failed to prevent an accident on Friday. KMIZ-TV reports a woman smashed into the automated ticketing machine with her car landing on its side in a parking lot.
In Cleguer, France, vigilantes on Tuesday disabled a speed camera by covering the lenses with pink paint. According to Le Telegramme, the automated ticketing machine has been a frequent target. It was set on fire last year, spraypainted pink in August then spraypainted again on September 8.
Vigilantes in Este, Italy attacked a recently repaired speed camera a second time. The automated ticketing machine in Rivaldolmo had its lenses covered in white paint last month. After being cleaned, it was filled with foam insulation. According to Padova Oggi, the camera housing was empty at the time of the attack.
In Gossweinstein, Germany, vigilantes grabbed a fake speed camera on Tuesday. The device was a dummy housing installed four months ago by the owner of a local hotel, Frankischer Tag reported.