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Maryland, France, Germany, Italy, UK: Worldwide Speed Camera Massacre
In Europe and America, revolt takes more than 60 speed cameras out of service in the space of two weeks.

Salisbury, Maryland camera
Around the world, more than sixty speed cameras have been destroyed in the space of two weeks. The large-scale revolt began October 31 in Bretagne, France where more than 50 of the region's 106 cameras have been taken out of service. The movement soon spread to three other regions. According to L'Express, vigilantes wearing red hats say they are destroying the automated ticketing machines to protest the "ecotax" meant to hit truck owners beginning January 1 with a GPS per-mile levy. The government has retreated from implementing the tax in light of widespread protests.

On Friday in Rouen, the speed camera on the N138 became the twelfth camera in the region to be burned within the week, Paris Normandie reported. On Thursday a vigilante blasted a camera in Meunet-sur-Vatan with a shotgun, according to La Nouvelle Repulique. Also on Thursday, the camera on the RD968 toward Ouges was covered with blue spraypaint, Le Bien Public reported. The same day, six speed cameras in Le Doubs were coverd with black plastic trashbags that had a white spraypainted smiley face on them and a floppy red hat, according to Ma Commune.

On Tuesday, vigilantes approached a speed camera in La Seyne-sur-Mer and drilled holes into the camera housing, poured in gasoline, then set the machine on fire. On Monday, automated ticketing machine in Saint-Martin-l'Hortier on the RD1314 was destroyed with a burning tire. In Saint-Jacques-sur-Darnetal the camera on the RN31 was spraypainted black, 76 Actu reported. Last week Sunday, the speed camera on the D933 in Lot-et-Garonne was spraypainted, according to Sud Ouest.

In Latina, Italy, five speed cameras were ripped out of their mounts and dumped on the side of the highway between Cassino and Formia on Saturday. According to Il Messaggero, two cameras were destroyed in Spigno Saturnia and the other three in Frosinone.

In Salisbury, Maryland, vigilantes spraypainted a speed camera on Colege Avenue last week Saturday, according to police. The back of the camera was painted with the slogan, "Watch the Watch."

On Thursday, vigilantes in Leicestershire, England destroyed a speed camera with a burning tire. According to the Leicester Mercury, the device had been issuing tickets on the A6 in Loughborough.

In Gifhorn, Germany three eighteen-year-olds attacked a speed camera at 1am on October 27. According to local police, the trio broke the radio antenna on the device located on Calberlaher Strasse but ran when an alarm went off. One of the individuals left a bicycle on the scene, allowing inspectors to track them down.

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