Maryland, France, Italy: Speed Camera Spraypainted, Burned, HackedAttacks on speed cameras in Maryland, France and Italy.

Vigilantes in Takoma Park, Maryland disabled a speed camera last week Saturday at 7:15am. A coat of spraypaint applied to the camera lens prevented any tickets from being issued at 6900 block of New Hampshire Avenue. Takoma Park police report that they have no idea who might be responsible.
In San Pierino, Italy, vigilantes used a pickax to destroy a speed camera on Tuesday. According to il Tribunale di Firenze, the device was the only active unit in Sanminiatese powered by solar panels. The camera's remains were tossed into a nearby ditch. On July 31, six speed cameras in San Vendemiano were covered in black spraypaint, Treviso Today reported. Local police have no idea who might be responsible.
Vigilantes are not always responsible for disabling cameras. In Brescia on July 23, the public prosecutor ordered a speed camera bagged and covered with "Polizia" tape. According to L'Eco di Bergamo, the device on the Via Garibaldi had been operating illegally.
In Pouru-Saint-Remy, France vigilantes set fire to a speed camera at around 3am. The device on the 8043 was destroyed in the blaze. According to L'Union l'Ardennais, the automated ticketing machine had been smashed with hammers shortly after being installed in 2005 and has in the past been shot with a rifle.