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Germany, UK: Speed Cameras Scorched
Secretive speeed camera in England scorched as German speed camera is damaged by fire.

Burned camera
On Friday at 12:40am, vigilantes set fire to a speed camera at Offenbach in Spessartring am Main. The large, pillar-shaped camera was lit after being doused with gasoline. The blaze damaged the camera housing but, according to Frankfurter Rundschau, the electronics inside survived. Police have no suspects, but will begin investigating anyone who had recently received a ticket from the device.

Vigilantes in Wachtberg grabbed a traffic camera from the L123, but the device was used as a traffic counter, not an automated ticketing machine, Radio Bonn reported.

Last week, a speed camera on Fish Dam Lane in Barnsley, England was set on fire with a burning tire. The location is of particular interest because officials had previously stated that releasing the basic number of citations issued by the device would encourage attacks. Despite maintaining a veil of secrecy over all ticketing operations, the camera was destroyed.

"If information regarding the number of people prosecuted for the fixed camera site on Fish Dam Lane, Barnsley was released it would provide information to the public about enforcement activity at this particular site and reduce the overall effectiveness of the South Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership's safety camera system," the South Yorkshire Speed Camera Partnership had stated in an August 10, 2009 letter denying a request under freedom of information laws. "In addition, if an unscrupulous person gained information about the most prolific sites in terms of detection in Barnsley, this will lead to a significant danger of increase in criminal damage at these locations causing loss of public money."

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