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Speed Cameras Attacked in Germany, Italy, Poland, UK
Vigilantes disable and destroy speed cameras located in Germany, Italy, Poland and Wales.

Polish camera fire, May 2009
In Forli, Italy this week, vigilantes made the second attack on a speed camera in Villa Rovere since a bucket of red paint was dumped on the camera earlier this month. Il Resto Del Carlino reported that the most recent incident has taken out the camera.

Also this week, a speed camera housing was destroyed by fire in Krakow, Poland, according to TVN24. This marked the second time a camera was set on fire in the village of Gotkowice this month, but police insist the expensive radar and photographic components had been removed from the housing before the fire.

Vigilantes in Marburg, Germany knocked over a mobile speed camera on Bundesstrasse 3 near Gisselberg at around 6am on May 9. The operator of the fully automated ticketing device did not notice what had happened until long after the vigilantes had departed. The camera operator, a city employee, discovered what had happened only after looking up and noticing that no photos were being taken. According to Marburg-Biedenkopf Police, at least 10,000 euros (US $14,000) in damage was done. Police have no suspects.

Also on May 9, Welsh vigilantes torched a speed camera on the westbound M4 at Tredegar Park in Gwent. This was the third such attack in the past year. The head of the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership expressed outrage in the South Wales Argus newspaper as thousands of tickets will go unissued until the machine is replaced.

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