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Traffic Camera Attacks in Australia, France, Italy
Automated ticketing machines near Paris, France; Victoria, Australia and Borghetto, Italy are attacked.

Alleged vigilante
Two speed cameras and one red light camera were recently attacked in Australia, France and Italy. Authorities in the Paris suburb of Osny suggested the March 14 destruction of an automated ticketing machine on the 915 may have been "suicide." Firefighters were dispatched after drivers reported smoke pouring out of the sealed camera housing. In order to save the machine, the firefighters ripped open the housing to spray it with fire extinguishers, leaving behind a twisted wreck. According to VO Television News, officials have no idea how a short circuit could have caused such an intense internal fire.

In Geelong, Australia a hammer-wielding man on a dirt bike smashed a speed camera car belonging to the private company Serco on March 12 at 7pm. The unidentified man broke most of the Holden Captiva's windows and was able to trash the speed camera machinery while the vehicle operator cowered inside, uninjured. Although the motorcyclist was photographed, according to the Geelong Advertiser he has not been identified.

Vigilantes were less successful in Borghetto, Italy. A red light camera placed in a town square named Liberty continues to issue citations despite an attack that took place around 3am Friday. A gasoline-filled tire was placed around the base of automated ticketing machine, but firefighters arrived in time to prevent the fire from reaching the camera mechanism. Police told Il Vostro Giornale that anyone recently ticketed by the camera would be considered a suspect.

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