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More Attacks on Speed Cameras in Europe
Vigilantes in Italy and the Czech Republic used fire and pickaxes to damage speed cameras.

Pickaxe attack
Fire and pickaxes were used to damage speed cameras in Italy and the Czech Republic this week. On Tuesday, a speed camera was set on fire on the Boulevard D'Annunzio near the Tuscan seaside resort town of Marina di Pisa. The profitable device has been issuing at least one hundred tickets per month over the last year and a half. Firefighters arrived on the scene quickly enough to extinguish the blaze before the camera was destroyed, according to a report in La Nazione.

Vigilantes in Czech town of Moravske Budejovice attacked a Traffipax speed camera with a pickaxe. A video of the incident shows the device receiving five hits on the side, although photographs of the aftermath on show additional hits to the front of the housing, including one to the camera lens. A group calling itself the "Crum Patch Team" took responsibility for the attack. Describing themselves as "polite and honest" people, the members issued a statement explaining how local politicians use photo enforcement for revenue, not safety, purposes. The group added that attempts to resolve the situation through the normal political process have failed.

View pick axe attack video:

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