Arizona Governor to Deploy Freeway Speed Cameras StatewideFreeway speed cameras could soon be installed on every freeway in the state of Arizona.

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (D) yesterday announced her intention to deploy speed cameras on freeways throughout the state. The move is designed to generate millions in revenue following the city of Scottsdale's program where a 7.8-mile stretch of freeway generated 120,000 tickets worth $18.8 million.
Napolitano wrote to Scottsdale Mayor Mary Manross to congratulate her for creating, "an excellent starting point for the state." Napolitano acknowledged that state officials have been laying the groundwork for deployment of cameras on every freeway. She also encouraged Scottsdale to re-start its freeway camera program while the state project is under development.
"I believe we cannot afford to keep the Scottsdale cameras off," Napolitano wrote. "Let's keep them on and the current system in place, while we plan our expansion."
Already, the city of Glendale is preparing to install a ticket camera system on its own eight-mile stretch of the Loop 101 freeway. City officials will prepare a report on the proposal within ninety days.