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Dorset, UK Deaths Up 30%, Profit Up 278%
Dorset, UK generates $575,000 in revenue for each additional life lost on the road following the introduction of red light and speed cameras.

After three years of red light and speed camera enforcement in Dorset, UK road deaths have increased an average of 30 percent over the same period before the camera partnership was established. Annual profit in the last fiscal year jumped to £3,959,040 (US $6,904,958), meaning that £325,000 (US $575,000) in revenue was generated for each additional life lost.

"Having conducted an extensive investigation over thousands of hours into speed cameras and their overall effect on road safety I'm not surprised," said Safe Speed road safety campaign founder Paul Smith. "We need drivers paying full attention to the road ahead, not looking at the speedometer and worrying about their driving licences. Most drivers are skilled at selecting a safe and appropriate speed according to the conditions, and absolutely do not need the distraction."

Road deaths in Dorset according to UK Department for Transport statistics:

(Three-year average)

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