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New Zealand Police Cars Have Expired Inspection Stickers
Over 150 of New Zealand's 2000 police vehicles have expired inspection stickers.

Warrant of FitnessDespite generating $9.6 million in revenue over the last six months by issuing tickets to motorists driving with expired Warrant of Fitness road safety inspection stickers, nearly one out of ten New Zealand police vehicles allowed their own inspections to expire. The problem extends to patrol cars, speed camera vans, unmarked cars and motorcycles.

Motorists are required by law to have new cars inspected every year, and older cars every six months. According to the Land Transport New Zealand agency, "It's illegal to drive a motor vehicle on the road if it doesn't display a valid WoF sticker." The offense carries an immediate $200 fine.

Police have apologized for their mistake, saying in the New Zealand Herald, "We are embarrassed but we put it right several months ago." One News television reports that despite introducing a policy in April to require staff to be contacted one month before a sticker expires, 45 police cars still failed to meet the standards required of every ordinary motorist.

Source: Police apologise over WoF bungle (One News (New Zealand), 7/22/2005)

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