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Oklahoma: Police Crack Down on Small Dogs in Big Cars
Police in Tulsa, Oklahoma ticket a woman for allegedly driving with a tiny Chihuahua in her lap.

Dog in car, photo by Marc Majcher/FlickrPolice in Tulsa, Oklahoma are ticketing motorists $120 for the crime of driving with a small dog in their lap. Shannon Medlock fell victim of the city ordinance that she had no idea even existed. The twenty-two-year-old motorist had a clean record until her Chihuahua hopped into her lap while the Ford F-150 pickup truck she was was driving had stopped behind a police officer at a stop sign. The dog, Mickey, took a look out the driver's side window. Noticing this, the officer pulled Medlock over.

"I was shocked when I learned why he stopped me," Medlock told the Tulsa World newspaper. "I see dogs hanging out windows of cars all the time."

Medlock always pushed aside her dog once the truck was in motion, but the Tulsa police officer claimed he saw Mickey being bounced around in the vehicle while she was driving.

"It's a big truck," Medlock told the Tulsa World. "It would be difficult to see my little dog."

The officer that wrote Medlock was responsible for half of all the "dog in lap" tickets issued in Tulsa which have generated nearly $2000 in revenue.

Source: Dog on board: Poochs lap ride results in ticket (Tulsa World (OK), 10/5/2007)

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