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Colorado: Little Support for Photo Radar and Little Success
Speed camera use is neither popular nor effective in Boulder and Fort Collins Colorado.

Ft. Collins Photo Radar TruckPhoto radar isn't popular in Colorado. "The biggest disadvantage are the complaints," Fort Collins Police Sgt. Russ Reed told the Greeley Colorado Tribune. "I field half a dozen to a dozen complaints a month from people who don't want the system." Boulder likewise deems support for the program as "lukewarm."

According to Mike Sweeney with the Boulder transportation department, the city has had little measurable success with the devices originally touted as providing safety benefits.

The cities use mobile vans like the one pictured to issue speeding tickets by mail, but if their popularity and effectiveness is in question, why do they keep them? Boulder just paid off their initial investment in the camera units and is turning a profit.

Article Excerpt:
Sweeney said the city conducted a community survey to gauge the support before initiating a one-year pilot program. Public support has remained lukewarm for the speed radar van but has grown for the red-light cameras.
Source: Systems operating in Boulder, Fort Collins; complaints noted (Greeley Tribune (Colorado), 2/15/2005)

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