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New York Tickets Priest on Mercy Mission
New York City, New York prosecutes Brooklyn police for ministering to a dying woman.

Father Cletus ForsonA meter maid in Brooklyn, New York charged Father Cletus Forson $115 as he rushed to save the soul of a dying woman on July 26. The woman's daughter had called Fr Forson, 42, a priest in residence at Saint Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, and said he must come immediately and help her elderly mother who was dying of the flu.

With no available parking at 9:30pm, Fr Forson displayed his "Clergy on Call" permit and rushed inside. He was there for twenty minutes and did not block any entrances.

"There were four cars behind me and three cars in front of me," Fr Forson told the New York Daily News. "But when I came out, I was the only car who got a ticket."

On July 28, Administrative Law Judge Michael Ciaravino found Fr Forson guilty, dismissing his appeal.

"If the sanctity of the law won't bend for the needs of a dying person, I feel really sad," Fr Forson said. "It disturbs me as a priest and as a human being."

Source: No mercy for rev (New York Daily News, 8/22/2006)

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