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Maryland: Baltimore Cop Jails Lost Baseball Fans
Baltimore, Maryland police officer seizes the car of two Virginia baseball fans, jailing them because they were lost.

Josh Kelly and Llara BrookA police officer in Baltimore, Maryland arrested a pair of baseball fans from Chantilly, Virginia after they got lost trying to find the freeway home last weekend after an Orioles game at Camden Yards.

"Basically we went through hell for no reason -- because we got lost," Josh Kelly, 22 told WRC-TV. "It was a great day gone bad."

Kelly had been driving on Bridgeview Drive in Cherry Hill with Llara Brook, 20 when he stopped to ask a police officer Natalie Preston for directions. "Our first reaction was thank goodness we found an officer, she'll help us," Kelly said.

Officer Preston, instead, gave Kelly a ticket for running a stop sign. Kelly accepted the ticket and then drove about forty feet away and pulled over. The officer followed. "She got out of the car, came to my window and said, 'Sir step out of the car,'" Kelly told WRC. "I obeyed, got out of the car, and she put cuffs on me right away."

In a police report, Preston claimed Kelly and Brook were "hostile" and both were arrested for trespassing. Kelly's car was impounded and the couple spent eight hours in jail. Kelly had to pay $200 to get his car back with a number of items including CDs and a cell phone charger stolen.

Source: Chantilly Couple Arrested After Getting Lost In Baltimore (WRC-TV (VA), 5/18/2006)

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