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Arizona, Belgium, UK: Traffic Cameras Spun, Scorched, Swiped
Vigilantes spin a Tucson, Arizona speed camera, knock over a Belgian camera and set fire to a UK camera.

Vigilantes set fire to a speed camera in Devon, England on Wednesday. The automated ticketing machine located on the A386 at Horrabridge burst into flames at around 1am, BBC News reported. Officials confirmed that the camera housing was empty at the time of the attack.

On March 22, vigilantes struck traffic cameras in Tucson, Arizona. The Arizona Daily Star reported that four cameras had been positioned away from the road and one of the poles spraypainted. This is not the first time this has happened. In 2008, a Tucson speed camera was twisted toward the ground, rendering it incapable of issuing tickets. Similar incidents have been reported in Australia, California and England.

In Belgium, vigilantes used a vehicle with heavy-duty towing capacity to rip a speed camera out of the ground on April 10. Police in Rixensart found the automated ticketing machine sprawled near the road on Royal Avenue that morning, Vers l'Avenir reported. Although police found tire tracks and a piece of rope at the scene, they have no idea who might be responsible.