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Speed Cameras Blasted in Italy, The Netherlands, UK
Speed cameras in Italy, The Netherlands and UK were blasted and swiped over Christmas week.

Shot speed cameraSpeed cameras around the world were taken or destroyed last week. On December 27, vigilantes made off with a speed camera on Provincial Road 41 in the city of Cento, Italy in Ferrara. According to Estense, the automated ticketing machine was pulled down by an SUV with chains. In the town of Roccasecca in central Italy, vigilantes blasted a speed camera with a rifle. The device had been located at the 120km marker on the Via Casilina, La Notizia reported. An explosive device took out another camera in nearby Ausonia several months ago.

In Hampshire, England vigilantes blasted a speed camera at around 2:30am on Christmas Day. The automated ticketing machine located in Eastleigh on Bishopstoke Road was left a twisted wreck, the Daily Mail reported.

In The Netherlands, a 23-year-old minivan driver is the suspect in the bombing of a speed camera last week on Van Heemstra Avenue in Baarn. According to Baarn Police, a witness saw the minivan at the site prior to the explosion at around 1:20AM on Christmas. The suspect has been released pending trial.